This week we will be celebrating Aleo’s first birthday. I am typing this with tears in my eyes for two reasons, one: my birth story was not easy and two: It has been such a blessing raising him. He taught me so much about myself as a mother and beyond.
The Letter
Aleo, you have made my transition from being a mom of one to a mom of two surprisingly a lot easier than I had anticipated. This may sound crazy but when I was pregnant with Serena, I had a dream that I got pregnant with a boy right after so the moment I found out I was pregnant again, and when the ultrasound confirmed it was a boy, I couldn’t control my happiness or tears. Watch my reaction right here
Aleo, you are the most perfect baby and addition to our growing family. Raising you and being your mom has been a privilege. Your calmness the first few months taught me to slow down and live more so in the moment than constantly worry about what’s next. As you started realizing the world around you, your personality started shinning. Always dancing, smiling, and trying to lure me into playing hide and seek or catchers with you. You’ve also been the best brother to your sister and the way you two interact with one another is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.
There are so many things I love about you, everything actually, but to highlight a few:
I love your laughs, even your screams especially when it comes to you trying to “communicate” that you want the food I am eating. Yes baby boy, you are a screamer and although it may have done some damage to my ears, I love your little voice. You know what you want and you aren’t afraid to “scream” for it. You are also incredibly talented with creating a melody to your screams.
I love how playful you are. Every morning, you would crawl around the bed trying to be playful by having me catch you, but you are so smart to know not to get off the bed. You respect boundaries, for the most part.
I love your little dance every time we play baby shark for you or when Serena starts singing it to you. You just start bouncing on your knees and raising both of your arms up high.
I love your smile and the way you look at me. It makes me feel so loved. The way you rub your head on my chest when you are tired or shy, and how you always offer to feed me and everyone around you when you are eating. You are already so generous and caring.
I love the joy I see in your face when you see me and how you rush to the door to greet me. I am holding onto these memories forever because I know i’ll miss them when you are a bit older and need your space and sense of independency.
Aleo, I love you so incredibly much, you are the perfect son and brother to Serena. You give me even more purpose and complete our family in the most perfect way.
The Cake Smash
Since we are in Maui for his first birthday and away from family, we are keeping it simple with the celebration. I learned from throwing Serena a big first birthday party is that they really don’t care much for a huge celebration. So, for Aleo, I wanted to keep it simple but also do things that I know will get him excited yet still provide him with a few new experiences.
Since he is obsessed with everything baby shark related, I decided to go for a baby shark themed photoshoot/celebration for him on the beach. We are doing a small picnic on the beach a few days BEFORE his actual birthday. Cake smashes usually get messy so I wanted to make sure we dedicated a separate day for that and to ensure we get the right photos. We did a few solo photos before the cake smash, a few solo photos of him with the cake, family photos, and some photos with his shark hooded towel which I thought would tie in the whole theme and give me a variation of photos as well.
For the photoshoot, I ordered a custom baby shark cake, got a 6 inch cake stand and white blanket from target, and ordered his cake smash outfit from Amazon.
I also found this SUPER cute mini shark Pinata that I thought would be SO cute for him to try and hit right after the cake smash photoshoot. He got excited seeing it but Serena and Samir did all the work to try and open it.
Shop Aleo’s Cake Smash Items:
Suggested read: Maui Guide
The Celebration
On the weekend of his birthday, we visited Lahaina animal farm which I thought would be a big hit for him but he did not really enjoy it. Although I definitely recommend you do visit if you have kids. The farm was SO clean and so interactive with lots of activities for the kids from feeding the animals, to catching fish, running after goats, and so much more!
We also booked a two night stay at the Westin Resort in Maui. It is my favorite resort in Lahaina. They recently renovated it so everything in there is a vibe. They also have a pretty large kids pool area. My son enjoyed spending the majority of our stay there! On the day of his birthday, we planned an intimate birthday dinner around sunset timing and ordered some balloons to decorate the restaurant.
Aleo’s Year Roundup
- 1 year in and I am still nursing him. My nursing journey with him was very smooth and much easier than with Serena.
- He took his first steps 2 weeks before his birthday. On May 12th, 2022 to be precise.
- His favorite song is baby shark.
- He loves cars! We got him a jeep car for his birthday and he loves hopping in it and just dancing.
- His love language is slapping you on the face then laughing about it.
- He knows what he wants and will make sure to let you know by screaming so loud.
- As soon as he hit the 8 month mark, he became so active and won’t stay still. He will crawl everywhere and anywhere.
- He is an expert in doing back flips specifically on the bed which keeps me alarmed.
- He loves to smack his face on the bed then get up randomly. His version of the “peekaboo”
- His favorite food is literally everything
Shop Aleo’s Favorite Things This Year: